It's time to plant spring bulbs

Did you know that autumn is the ideal time to prepare for a vibrant spring garden? Plant cheerful spring bloomers like tulips and daffodils, or explore lesser-known winter-blooming bulbs like yellow winter aconites. Enhance your garden, lawn or container plantings with a colorful array of spring bulbs from Carpenters Nursery. Stay tuned to our website for more helpful and inspiring bulb tips and tricks!

When and where to plant spring bulbs?

Planting onions

  • Plant spring bulbs almost anywhere outdoors, as they require a cold period (frost) to bloom. Even December planting is possible if the ground isn't frozen.
  • Ensure well-draining soil to prevent bulb rot.
  • Small bulbs can flourish in pots or containers. Ensure drainage holes and add a layer of pot shards or hydro granules to the bottom. Incorporate sand into the potting soil to prevent bulb rot.
  • Enhance your lawn with spring-blooming bulbs like snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils, star hyacinths, or Oriental anemones (Anemone blanda). Carefully lift a section of sod, plant the bulbs, and replace the sod, pressing it down gently. Avoid mowing the grass until the bulb foliage has completely withered, or mow around the planted areas. For added peace of mind, mark the planting locations with labels or sticks.
  • Consult the bulb label or a garden center employee for sun or shade preferences. Tulips and daffodils typically favor sunny locations, while bluebells and edible wild garlic prefer shade.

How to plant spring bulbs?

planting white onions

  • Plant bulbs promptly, especially smaller varieties, to prevent them from drying out.
  • Follow the golden rule: plant bulbs two to three times deeper than their height or diameter. Ensure the tip points upward. If the top isn't clearly visible, plant the bulb on its side, allowing leaves and flowers to naturally grow upward.
  • Maintain a spacing between bulbs approximately twice their width. Ensure bulbs don't touch each other, whether planted in pots or the ground.
  • For a natural look, scatter the bulbs loosely over the desired planting area and plant them where they fall, ensuring they don't touch.
  • In pots and containers on your balcony or terrace, create captivating layered arrangements using the 'lasagna method.' Place the largest, late-blooming bulbs at the bottom, followed by a layer of potting soil mixed with sand. Plant the smaller, early-blooming bulbs in the top layer, ensuring they don't touch each other or the pot's edge. Consider planting winter pansies on top for instant enjoyment of your flowerpots and containers.

More bulb planting tips

Crocuses in spring

  • For extended blooming, gently remove faded flower heads, but leave the leaves intact. The leaves are vital for the bulbs to store energy for future blooms.
  • Early-blooming bulbs not only delight us but also benefit insects, contributing to increased biodiversity!

Prepare for a vibrant spring garden with our pre-spring tips. Visit our St. Albans garden centre to select robust spring bulbs and plant them while the ground is still warm. We look forward to seeing you soon
