What to plant in the kitchen garden in March

With the arrival of spring and increasing daylight, March becomes a pivotal month for vegetable gardeners. Regardless of your garden's scale – be it an allotment, dedicated beds, or a collection of pots – this is the ideal period to initiate seed sowing and planting. Strategic action now will yield a rich harvest in the coming months. Here's a guide to the key crops to sow and grow in your kitchen garden during March.

raised garden bed in a backyard or patio setting full of lavender, marigolds, strawberry plants and other greenery

Vegetables to sow indoors in March

Get a head start on summer! Sow tender crops like tomatoes and peppers indoors now to maximize the growing season. A greenhouse is ideal, but a sunny windowsill or heated propagator works too. Don't forget quick-growing crops like lettuce for fresh salads all month long. Start these indoors now:

  • Tomatoes
  • Sweet peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Lettuce
  • Celery
  • Aubergines

Vegetables to sow outdoors in March

Ready to sow outdoors? In milder areas, hardy crops can go straight into the ground this March. Warm the soil first with black plastic or cloches for better germination. Get these crops started now:

  • Broad beans
  • Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Parsnips
  • Beetroot
  • Peas
  • Onions 
  • Radish
  • Leeks
  • Chard

Vegetables to plant outdoors in March

Time to plant those alliums! Get your shallots, onion sets, and garlic in the ground this March. Later in the month, plant your chitted first early potatoes for a summer harvest.

Companion plants for kitchen gardens

A thriving kitchen garden is about more than just vegetables. Incorporating flowering plants provides a vital habitat for pollinating insects, ensuring good fruit set on your crops. Some flowers can even deter pests, contributing to a healthy and balanced ecosystem in your garden. Here are some excellent choices to sow this month:

  • French Marigolds: Attract pollinators and deter blackfly, making them great companions for tomatoes.
  • Poached Egg Plant: Easy-to-grow, with cheerful flowers that attract beneficial insects. Perfect for kids!
  • Nasturtiums: Vibrant flowers and a clever pest control trick! They lure aphids away from your veggies.

Ready to grow? We've got all the seeds and seedlings you need for a bumper harvest! Visit us today and get your kitchen garden started.