15 gardening tips for February

February arrives, bringing the first whispers of spring. Snowdrops, aconites, and even a few brave daffodils are already in bloom. Make the most of the good weather and head outdoors with your gardening tools! We've got 15 top tips for February gardening.

Top 15 garden jobs for February

  1. To prune fuchsias, locate last year's growth and cut it back to two buds from the main stems. For buddleias, perform a hard prune this month, cutting them back to 30cm above ground level.

  2. It's not too late to prune your winter garden. If you pruned those long, whippy shoots last summer, trim them back again now to 2-3 buds from the main stems. If you skipped summer pruning, go ahead and cut back all of last year's growth.

  3. For vibrant winter colour, prune shrubby dogwood in late February or early March. Cut the stems down to about 15cm above the ground to stimulate the growth of brightly colored new shoots.

  4. While bush roses are still dormant, prune them now. Start by removing any dead or weak stems. Then, cut the remaining healthy stems back by about half their length, making sure to cut just above a bud that faces outwards.

  5. When your snowdrops have finished blooming, lift and divide any large clumps. Replant the resulting smaller clumps to encourage them to spread and create a fantastic spring show.

  6. To prune Group 3 clematis (those that flower in late summer), cut all stems back hard to 30cm above ground level. Ensure your cuts are made just above a strong, healthy bud.

  7. Once your winter jasmine has finished blooming, prune it by cutting back all the shoots that flowered to strong buds located near the main stems.

  8. When cutting back epimediums, be sure to remove all of the old leaves. This will make the delicate flowers easier to see and will also encourage a burst of strong new foliage.

  9. To tidy up evergreen grasses such as Carex and Festuca, comb through the plants with your fingers, removing any dead foliage. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands. . 

  10. To give your first early potatoes the best start, chit them before planting. Find a cool, bright place to store the seed potatoes for a few weeks until they begin to sprout. They will be ready to plant in 4-6 weeks.

  11. To prune your autumn-fruiting raspberries, cut all of last year's canes back to ground level.

  12. To prepare your vegetable beds for the growing season, start by clearing away any weeds and stones. Then, lay down wooden planks to walk on while working in the beds to prevent soil compaction.

  13. To encourage a fresh burst of flowers in spring, deadhead your winter pansies.

  14. Assuming the ground isn't frozen or waterlogged, February is a great month for planting new shrubs and trees.

  15. To prepare your greenhouses and cold frames for the new growing season, give them a thorough spring clean. Wash down all the glass with warm, soapy water to remove any winter grime.

Find everything you need to make your garden bloom at our St Albans Garden Centre! We have a wide selection of seeds, plants, and tools to help you get your gardening year started.