How to add autumn colour to your garden

As summer's vibrant hues begin to fade, autumn's rich, warm palette takes center stage. It's a magical time in the garden when the low sunlight bathes the landscape in a golden glow. To help your garden shine this season, consider these tips:

berry tree

Choosing trees for autumn colour

Trees significantly impact any garden, adding height and providing privacy from neighbouring properties. Trees that add autumn colour have an extra impact at a time of the year when the borders start to look tired. When planting trees with fantastic autumn foliage, place them where they will create a focal point, perhaps in front of evergreen hedging or at the centre of a large border. Here are a few of the best trees for autumn colour:  

  • Japanese maples (Acer palmatum) are renowned for their spectacular autumn foliage. Many varieties also boast colorful bark, adding visual interest even when their leaves have fallen, transforming them into striking winter focal points.
  • Flowering cherries (Prunus) offer a delightful seasonal display. Their blossoms create a breathtaking spectacle in spring, followed by a stunning transformation into vibrant shades of red and orange during autumn.
  • Silver birches (Betula pendula) offer a captivating display throughout the year. Their leaves turn a shimmering golden-yellow in autumn, while their gleaming white bark provides a striking contrast and adds visual interest during the winter months.
  • Dogwoods (Cornus sanguinea, sericea and alba) shrubs offer a captivating combination of vibrant red and orange autumn foliage and colorful stems that persist throughout the winter, creating a striking visual display.

Autumn flowering perennials

While many garden plants begin to fade in autumn, certain perennials demonstrate remarkable resilience, continuing to bloom well into winter. Regular deadheading is essential for prolonging their flowering period. These indefatigable plants will add a splash of color to your autumn borders and provide a welcome burst of cheer during the colder months.

  • Dahlias are a captivating addition to autumn gardens, boasting a stunning array of colors, shapes, and sizes. Their vibrant blooms create a breathtaking spectacle that will add a touch of cheer to your outdoor space.
  • Penstemons offer a delightful display of color from midsummer well into autumn. To encourage continuous flowering, be sure to deadhead regularly. However, resist the urge to cut them back until spring. This will allow them to return stronger and healthier the following season.
  • Sedums now scientifically known as Hylotelephiums, offer a delightful combination of benefits. Their flattened flowerheads are a magnet for bees and other pollinators, while their colorful and textured leaves add visual interest to your garden borders.
  • Ornamental grasses truly shine in autumn. The low sunlight illuminates their dried flower plumes, creating a captivating display. Allow them to stand tall throughout the winter, adding a touch of texture and interest to your garden. In spring, you can cut them back to encourage fresh growth.
  • Asters (now scientifically known as Symphyotrichum) are a captivating addition to autumn gardens. Their myriads of small, daisy-like flowers in jewel-toned hues create a dazzling spectacle. To ensure a tidy appearance, stake them early to prevent them from flopping over.

Adding autumn colour with berries

Plants adorned with vibrant berries add a touch of cheer to the garden throughout autumn and winter. They also serve as a valuable food source for birds, attracting feathered friends to your outdoor space. Here are some of the best berried plants to consider:

  • Rowan (Sorbus) offer a delightful autumn spectacle, showcasing vibrant foliage and clusters of bright, cheerful berries. These berries provide a valuable food source for birds and add a touch of color to the garden throughout the season.
  • Hawthorn (Crataegus) – a versatile deciduous shrub or tree, offers a captivating display in autumn. Its vibrant foliage complements the bright red berries it produces, creating a visually appealing and ecologically beneficial addition to your garden.
  • Pyracanthaan evergreen shrub, is adorned with clusters of vibrant orange, yellow, or red berries. Its thorny branches provide excellent shelter for birds, making it a valuable addition to your garden.
  • Crab apples (Malus) produce small, brilliantly colored fruits that are a feast for the eyes. However, these tasty treats may not linger long on the branches, as they are highly sought after by birds and other wildlife. If you're hoping to enjoy the fruits yourself, consider netting the trees to protect them.

Transform your garden into a vibrant autumnal wonderland with our exquisite selection of seasonal plants. Visit our St. Albans Garden Centre today and explore our diverse range of blooms, foliage, and berries designed to add a touch of magic to your outdoor space.