Ready to transform your summer garden into a fragrant paradise? Growing sweet peas from seed is a delightful experience. With a myriad of stunning varieties to choose from, the possibilities are endless. Explore our top tips for cultivating a show-stopping display of these beloved blooms.
Getting your sweet peas started
Begin by soaking the seeds overnight in water to boost germination. For an extra boost, some gardeners gently nick the seed coat with a sharp knife, being mindful not to damage the 'eye.' Alternatively, place the seeds on a damp paper towel in a sealed container in a warm spot until they show signs of sprouting.
How to sow sweet peas
Sow seeds indoors in autumn or early spring. For optimal root development, utilize root trainers or toilet roll tubes filled with compost.
Sow 2-3 seeds per pot at a depth of 2cm.
Place the pots in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse. Water sparingly until seedlings appear. In mild climates, you can also direct sow seeds into the ground in April and May.
Caring for Sweet Peas
With a little care, you'll be rewarded with a stunning display of sweet pea blooms. Follow these steps for a summer of fragrant flowers.
To ensure a bountiful harvest of sweet pea blooms, pinch off the growing tips of the seedlings once they have developed three to four pairs of leaves. This simple technique promotes bushier growth and encourages the plant to produce more flowers.
Prepare your garden for a stunning display of sweet peas! Start by enriching the soil with a generous amount of compost or manure. Then, install sturdy support structures like cane wigwams, trellises, or netting to provide a framework for the climbing vines.
Get ready to plant your sweet pea seedlings outdoors! Choose a sunny location and wait until the last frost has passed. Before planting, harden off the seedlings by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions over a week. This will help them adjust to the change in environment and thrive in their new home
Even though sweet peas are natural climbers, a little guidance goes a long way! Gently tie the main stems to the support structures to encourage them to grow upward and create a beautiful display of flowers.
Keep your sweet peas hydrated by watering them regularly, especially during dry spells. Once the flowers begin to appear, give them a boost with a fortnightly application of a high-potash fertilizer, like tomato feed, to encourage continuous blooming.
For a continuous display of fragrant flowers, remember to pick them regularly! Allowing the plants to set seed will halt flowering. Enjoy the beauty of these superb cut flowers by bringing them indoors to brighten up your home.
Discover a wide variety of sweet pea seeds, along with an extensive selection of flower and vegetable seeds, at our garden centre. Visit us today!